CRUD Application
In this project I created a CRUD application using Bootstrap,PHP, & MySQL, this in order to create and manipulate database through PDO (PHP Data Objects), OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) methods. I learned how to fill an HTML table from database and how to perform CRUD operations.
To-do List Application
I developed this app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using vanilla JS, I practiced how to work with LocalStorage for saving data to the browser.
Portfolio Website
My portfolio website where I can present my work with a short description. I used Bootstrap framework as part of my learning process.
Interview Coaching Perth
I created this website using a predetermined WordPress theme, to get basic knowledge, combined with elementor. For this project I had the opportunity to create the logo and also developed the SEO.
Product Control App Laravel
Project designed on how to validate with store & update form data (MySQL) to the database to keep control of products in a store.
First you need to Login or Register and then you can add the description product and price.
Weather Application React
Introductory project with React & CSS using an API and Hooks. This applicationn shows the current weather based on your location.
Hello, I'm Alejandro 👋
I have more than 10 years experience as a Graphic Designer working with some big international brands, creating logos, brochures, packaging, and have experience working
with marketing departments following corporate branding guidelines.
Now, that I've completed my Web Development Diploma, I have the opportunity to strengthen my knowledge and combine Graphic
Design with new tools and software.
I'm actively learning new technologies, participating in coding and building projects, and looking forwards to working for companies
that are involved in web development.
I'm a strong multitasker, enjoy a challenge, and understand that working as a team can help achieve individual and
organisational goals.